Monday, October 28, 2013

Days off

I love days off.  Spending this day in my pjs, watching SOA, and relaxing. I love my family and my job but sometimes just need some lazy time to do nothing and unwind.    

Thursday, October 24, 2013


keeping kitchen traditions alive, one jar at a time

I have always loved being in the kitchen. For as long as I can remember I have always "helped" my momma when she was cooking,and I still do! Today, we are canning hot peppers and garlic in vinegar. I love doing this. I love keeping traditions like this going. My daughter is following my footsteps as well, She's always helping in the kitchen and now even bakes on her own. It's so nice to know things like "meme's jelly" and "mom's icing" will one day be shared with my grands :)